Something new on the Google Takeout menu: +1's

Friday, July 15, 2011 | 3:09 PM


Two and a half weeks ago, we launched Google Takeout, and the response has been overwhelming: you want more data in Google Takeout! Well, we’ve heard you, and have a little more data to tide you over for now: Takeout now includes a list of the websites that you’ve +1’ed.

We’ve still got plenty more data to liberate -- including +1’s on stream posts and comments -- but we just wanted to give you a quick update.


Apovtx said...

Amazing job guys! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Where did you find a 8" floppy? ROTFL!

thegro said...

Would love to have the demographics and web behavior data Google has on me. When will that be added?

Eric said...

Hello! It would be an AMAZING feature for individuals to be able to use this feature on disabled accounts. I say this because I've had my account disabled for no reason and have no recourse or method of accessing my data, which was unexpectedly yanked from the Internet. Please tell me you can insta-add this feature so I may get my emails back :)

Adam Beckett said...

¡Viva la Revolución! Viva 5.25 inch floppies!

AlBlue said...

Can you get the +1 list in the form of a browser bookmarks list? It would be great to have this from within a browser like you can with e.g. delicious bookmarks.

Darryl said...

Hey how about letting us get our Chrome Bookmarks in the form of a bookmark list? Give us our bookmarks back!!

Unknown said...

Awesome, thanks!

Les said...

The behavioral stats would be interesting to see.

Heck, I may be able to self diagnose myself with internet news addiction. :) I mean how kewl would it be to know what i am going to want to buy way before I want to buy it. I could budget much more accurately with that data.

In fact, with Google's behavioral model I could skip all of the shopping and fretting over whether I should buy something or not. Just think of the time savings. It would probably increase my work time productivity by 20-30%. From that perspective, by releasing that data to all of us, Google could single handedly boost the GDP and grow our economy out of debt. Damn, them for wanting to keep us economically indebted! :)

BTW - good work guys

Little John said...

G+ should have the notifications in the middle-top! said...

pchelplinebd says its great pchelplinebd says its great

Tiago Espinha said...

It would be awesome if when you say "data, data, data", the guy is given this photo:

Get it? It's Data, from Star Trek! :D

RP Raven said...

Lookit the floppy! And mine was only recordable on one side! And my 1k byte memory cards had 32 ICs on them! And I walked uphill to school both ways!

xplosiv1 said...

"we hope you LIKE IT, I mean +1" haha Google you geniuses!

siddharth said...

Google following its tag-line "Do no evil" :):)

Unknown said...


Apocalyptic Chaos said...

What happened to having women in these vids?

Citizen Suffern said...

I +1 it a lot.

kakal said...

Google Takeout

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